Monday, May 16, 2011


So Bill and I went over to some family's house and had BBQ and played games it was alot of fun with alot of good food, After wards we went to his bother and sister-n-law's house we stayed up watching a movie while we laid their four children down to sleep since it was already kind of late..  The next morning we all decided to walk to the park. Bill got on one of the kids' scooters and took off so I picked one up to ride as well, apparently it was Haylie's (my niece) cause she immediately wanted it back, I told her if she could catch me she could have it. I took off like mad. The wind in my hair going as fast as I could down the side walk looking back at Haylie and surprized to see her actually catching up. I lost control, the handle bars turned and I slammed into a metal fence. I scuffed my arm, cut my thumb and wrist. Nothing too bad though.
Oh how feeling like a kid again rewards you.

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